维基百科被国内封杀?_净心编程-CSDN博客:2021-1-17 · 根据cnbeta上面的网友评论看来,用正常的方法,全国各地使用不同的ISP服务的网友,都不能访问维基百科了。只有使用外国伟理,或者使用最近很热门的GoogleVPN工具才能访问。这个象征着开放、自由、合作的著名的免费百科全书网站,一夜之间好像在国内
We do this to fulfill our mission to support research, teaching, and learning by effectively leveling the playing field for all students and faculty by making resources and technology available anywhere, anytime.
We implement intuitive, robust technology that allows participating members to successfully conduct and manage vital library operations, such as circulation, course reserves, and collection development.
Explore Library Management
We implement intuitive, robust technology for participating members that provides library users the means to discover integrated scholarly resources like databases, eBooks, print materials, and multimedia.
Explore Discovery
We implement intuitive, robust technology for participating members that ensures valuable library resources and services are available to the library's authorized users, anywhere, anytime.
Explore Access Management
youtube如何在国内看_搜狗指南:2021-4-28 · 国内访问youtube youtube 在国内怎么上 电脑看youtube教程 搜狗指南,指到就不难 已收录指南:828824 新手帮助 如何编辑指南 如何获得奖励 投诉建议 举报不良信息 意见反馈与投诉 ...
Explore Resource Sharing
We partner libraries and faculty through our Affordable Learning LOUISIana initiative to save students money on education by reducing the costs of instructional materials through the use of eTextbooks, Open Educational Resources (OERs), and other open access materials.
Explore Affordable Learning LOUISiana
We negotiate the cost of library technology and resources. We maximize the purchasing power of our members to ensure we provide the best possible return on the State's and our members' investments. LOUIS has provided more than $340 million in cost savings since 1992.
Explore Cooperative Procurement
We offer a number of professional development opportunities for our members. These opportunities include a webinar training series, faciliated vendor-led trainings, sharing sessions, an annual users conference, and more!
Explore Professional Development
We support the library technology and resources secured by our members through LOUIS. We troubleshoot issues through incident reporting, remote support sessions, and personalized visits, we publish and maintain a knowledge base of solutions, and we offer customization services to promote positive user experiences.
Explore Systems Management
连接成功后,无法访问Facebook,Youtube等网站 - 知乎:2021-8-31 · 解决方法一Windows XP系统连接PPTP 协议或 IPSec 协议后,会发现网络接口配置的DNS的伢先级不够而无法对内部主机进行解析(Windows 7系统不存在此问题)。如果你系统设置的默认DNS服务器是国内DNS服务器,就会导致…
Explore Discussion Lists
We cooperate through established interest groups. These groups are established to direct and inform discussion on specific topics relevant to librarianship and consortial business. These groups are structured to provide members with a more informal network for exchanging ideas and problem-solving. Each interest group utilizes an assigned discussion list so members can discuss and share ideas, ask questions, and propose projects.
Explore Interest Groups
Working groups are commissioned by the LOUIS Board to address emerging needs and concerns within the consortium. Each working group is given a specific charge - area to investigate - and deadline to work toward. This framework provides the consortium a formal network for exchanging ideas and problem-solving, while increasing efficiency.
Explore Working Groups
Latest LOUIS Lagniappe Now Available |
谷歌称土耳其政府劫持谷歌DNS服务器 伡监听访问推特等网站 ...:2021-4-1 · 此举引起了民伡的抗议,20日开始,有民伡上街反对。民伡的反对没有对埃尔多安造成影响,一周之后,土耳其的Youtube也被屏蔽。 土耳其政府屏蔽网络访问是通过修改DNS来实现的——要求本国的互联网服务供应商修改DNS中的域名条目。 |
Loyola Law School Joins the SirsiDynix Family |
LOUIS Celebrates 25 Years of Collaboration |
New LOUIS Website Featured as LibGuides CMS Consortia Example |
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